Let me teach you how shift your life from

ordinary to EXTRAORDINARY 

in 100 days

Let me teach you how shift your life from

ordinary to EXTRAORDINARY 

in 100 days

We are all born with the magnificent, marvellous, magic gift of intuition, you may know it as your gut feeling, inner voice, sixth sense, 

I refer to mine as my soul whispers.

An accredited coach and I help women get connected to their soul whispers, post life challenging experiences,  re-energise their emotional, physical and spiritual wellness, create a new vision and a personal powerful sustainable action plan to supercharge their life from ordinary to EXTRAORDINARY.  

I am on a mission to get women to celebrate their uniqueness and brilliance,  not just occasionally but every day and showing up as their best soul self. I saved my life three times by listening to my soul whispers and these life challenging experiences have literally thrown me onto a path I hadn’t ever expected to travel!


My own EXTRAORDINARY life has unfolded in such a magical way and I will be forever grateful to these challenges and my soul whispers for guiding me to explore, embrace, express my EXTRA and now be able to live my truth and help other women do the same.


I developed my signature programme The EXTRAORDINARY Life Success System as I realised the tools I had used so successfully to optimise my own emotional, physical and spiritual wellness needed to be shared. I live each day now feeling fulfilled, energised, connected and happy, I want the same for you!


I designed my signature programme for women who have had stressful life challenging experiences, cancer, illnesses, accidents, divorce,  redundancy …..and are now ready to move on

  • Sense a deep desire for MORE in your life, but your blurred vision keeps you stuck
  • Feel directionless,  ungrounded and that life is passing you by
  • Lack motivation and energy to improve your physical self,  creating more self-loathing
  • Have reactive and self-sabotaging behavioural patterns 
  • Totally neglect your emotional and spiritual health and feel this pain deep within 
  • Never think straight and always procrastinate
  • Feel unhappy and have no enjoyment in your life
  • Feel hopeless and know your lack of self-confidence is holding you back 
  • Feel frustrated and sad as your dreams are not materialising

Take action and apply for your place on
The EXTRAORDINARY Life Success System


Let me help you make the shift to become so much more,  start living your truth, rise up, have the life success you desire and shine brightly as the star of your own life.


You can choose to take no action and potentially move further away from who and where you really want to be in this lifetime.

Work with me – 1:1 for 13 weeks 

Transform your life from ordinary to EXTRAORDINARY


Aliquip quae scipit eros. Anim commodi maiores pharetra, arcu incidunt, omnis iste. Elit tellus, luctus nec ullam corper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Ut placerat iaculis leo vel auctor. Suspendisse ornare dictum ultrices. Curabitur molestie purus at lectus porttitor laoreet. Nulla accumsan mi sit amet eros dictum ultricies.


Elit tellus, luctus nec ullam corper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Aliquip quae scipit eros. Anim commodi maiores pharetra, arcu incidunt, omnis iste.Ut placerat iaculis leo vel auctor. Suspendisse ornare dictum ultrices. Curabitur molestie purus at lectus porttitor laoreet. Nulla accumsan mi sit amet eros dictum ultricies.


"Aliquip quae scipit eros. Anim commodi maiores pharetra, arcu incidunt, omnis iste. Elit tellus, luctus nec ullam corper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Ut placerat iaculis leo vel auctor. Suspendisse ornare dictum ultrices. Curabitur molestie purus at lectus porttitor laoreet. Nulla accumsan mi sit amet eros dictum ultricies."

This unique programme will be personal to you, so if you apply and get accepted onto the programme

here’s what you get:


A bespoke strategy to create your personal happiness and find your EXTRA.


1:1 bespoke mentorship with me, an experienced ICF accredited Coach.


13 weekly coaching calls


Guidance from The Angelic Realm through Oracle card readings


Access to The EXTRAORDINARY Life Success System framework’s proven tools and resources


Support and knowledge on using The Moon to manifest


Personal development homework


Sustainable personal powerful action plan

I am passionate about helping women get connected to their soul whispers, magically perhaps for the first time and to truly hear their soul’s messages. I am a Certified Angel Tarot and Oracle Card Reader, Certified in Wellness Coaching,  Mindfulness and Meditation with stacks of life experience too. 

Investing in this programme means you won’t have to waste your own headspace, energy and time, possibly years trying to find your EXTRA! We can achieve this together in 13 weeks.

If you feel now is your time to step up, go for it,  book your complimentary 45 minute ‘’Explore my Extra” session. The EXTRAORDINARY Life Success programme has limited availability, I work on a first come first served basis,  so don’t sleep on it, fill the form out now and book your complimentary session.


Choose to ignite your inner glow and start a ripple effect of positivity and happiness in your life. Working with me,  you will have the tools for optimum mind, body and soul fitness, more energy, happiness, vitality, fun, trust, peace and joy and an alignment that naturally gifts you radical responsibility to show up as your best soul self every day.

If you know deep down that your soul is whispering or even screaming at you,  “please don’t ignore this opportunity”, listen in and know your soul simply wishes you to be happier, wiser, calmer, fulfilled, have clarity, direction, so you can explore, embrace and express your EXTRA and fulfil your soul mission in this lifetime.